The quality of ground water in some parts of the country, particularly shallow ground water, is changing as a result of human activities. Ground water is less susceptible to bacterial pollution than surface water because the soil and rocks through which ground water flows screen out most of the bacteria. Bacteria, however, occasionally find their way into ground water, sometimes in dangerously high concentrations. But freedom from bacterial pollution alone does not mean that the water is fit to drink. Many unseen dissolved mineral and organic constituents are present in ground water in various concentrations. Most are harmless or even beneficial; though occurring infrequently, others are harmful, and a few may be highly toxic.
In recent years, the growth of industry, technology, population, and water use has increased the stress upon both our land and water resources. Locally, the quality of ground water has been degraded. Municipal and industrial wastes and chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides not properly contained have entered the soil, infiltrated some aquifers, and degraded the ground-water quality. Other pollution problems include sewer leakage, faulty septic-tank operation, and landfill leachates. In some coastal areas, intensive pumping of fresh ground water has caused salt water to intrude into fresh-water aquifers.
In recognition of the potential for pollution, biological and chemical analysis are made routinely on municipal and industrial water supplies. Federal, State, and local agencies are taking steps to increase water-quality monitoring. Analytical techniques have been refined so that early warning can be given, and plans can be implemented to mitigate or prevent water-quality hazards.